Day: November 4, 2019

When it comes to retirement, both men and women face many risks. However, women are faced with greater financial obstacles:   Living longer. It’s a known fact that women enjoy a longer lifespan than their male counterparts. As a matter of fact, they’re outliving men by an average of four years.1 This longevity risk requires […]Continue reading


 Today, women are providing more financial value to their household than ever before. Studies show 51% of women are responsible for household finances while 37% reported to be the primary breadwinner of their family (compared to 31% in a 2013 study).1 Whether you are single, married, working, or a stay-at-home mom, if you have people […]Continue reading


In the past few months, we’ve witnessed a number of natural disasters. With Hurricane Season looming over our coastal areas, being prepared can help you, your family or your business minimize the impact of not just hurricanes, but of any natural disasters. The truth of the matter is that floods, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes can […]Continue reading