Day: August 2, 2021

The 2019 Employee Wellness survey by PwC found that 73% of Millennials, 70% of Generation X, and 61% of Baby Boomers think health care costs will adversely affect their retirement. If a healthy 65-year-old couple retiring in 2019 expected to spend more than $387,000 for retirement health care costs, not including long-term care, what do you […]Continue reading


“Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.”   The saying is true, and the cycle is real. As the expression indicates, after the buying, the building, and the selling, there’s rarely anything left of a family’s wealth for the fourth generation. Multi-generational planning focuses on breaking that cycle by allowing your heirs to have the knowledge […]Continue reading


There’s much to be said for taking care of your health, and you should make caring for your wealth part of your focus, too, as it directly correlates. In fact, the American Journal of Public Health confirms that Americans at lower income levels are less healthy than those in higher income brackets.1   It may […]Continue reading