Category: Finance

The new year is almost upon us! As you flip the calendar on January 1, you should mark some important deadlines to keep you on track:   January 1st:Medicare Coverage starts – assuming you’ve paid your premium 1st:Annual Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment begins 15th:Deadline for Q4 2021 estimated tax payment February Click here for a […]Continue reading


It’s Long-Term Care (LTC) Awareness Month, and whether you’re in the market now or just curious about insurance coverage choices for the future, it’s important to know where, why, and how to get answers.   There are three main options when it comes to LTC coverage. Traditional long-term care insurance:Also known as standalone long-term care […]Continue reading


Let’s start with the most echoed statement on the web: Americans are living longer but aren’t necessarily healthier, leading to health problems later in life. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that 69% of people will use long-term care services at some point. And that care comes with a cost: Long-term care […]Continue reading


Medicare open enrollment – also known as Medicare’s annual election period – runs from October 15 through December 7. During this window, Medicare plan enrollees can reevaluate their coverage and make changes or purchase new policies if they want to do so. For most Americans, Medicare eligibility goes hand in hand with turning 65, but some […]Continue reading


Social Security is neutral with respect to gender—individuals with identical earnings histories are treated the same in terms of benefits. This information from the Social Security Administration (SSA) highlights how the Social Security program impacts women and the specific demographic characteristics of women compared with the entire population.   Women tend to earn less than […]Continue reading