Category: Investments

As the anniversary of the Social Security bill being signed into law (August 14, 1935)[i] approaches, we’re reminded of the intricate workings of the U.S. tax system. Social Security, a vital program designed to provide financial support to retired and disabled individuals, is funded through payroll taxes.[ii] Let’s explore the fundamentals of Social Security taxation, […]Continue reading


An annuity is an investment product that is designed to provide a guaranteed income stream for a predetermined period, often for the rest of one’s life. An annuity is typically purchased from an insurance company, and the purchaser makes regular payments or a lump sum payment to the insurer in exchange for the right to […]Continue reading


Taxes may be one of your biggest concerns when it comes to retirement. Whether you’re well into your retirement or just starting to think about it, taxes can be one of the main factors in maximizing your savings to stretch all the way through retirement. The Roth IRA can be a great investment vehicle for […]Continue reading


Healthcare is one of the largest expenses for people in retirement, but it’s not easy to budget for them. Sometimes, accidents happen, or certain health-related concerns can come out of nowhere. Because of how difficult it can be to predict; it can be just as difficult to plan for it. But luckily, there are tools […]Continue reading


You’re probably familiar with the classic retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and pensions. But did you know there is a financial product out there that is customizable and can be tailored to your specific risks and financial goals? An annuity is an insurance-based financial product that takes in payments from individuals and pays them […]Continue reading


Annuities can be mysterious. You might even feel like they come with a hidden agenda. However, with proper planning annuities can be an appropriate solution for your portfolio and financial planning.  They can offer financial advantages such as guaranteed income or living benefits. Consider these eight reasons annuities annuity strategies relative to your situation and […]Continue reading