Category: Uncategorized

The new year is almost upon us! As you flip the calendar on January 1, you should mark some important deadlines to keep you on track:   January 1st:Medicare Coverage starts – assuming you’ve paid your premium 1st:Annual Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment begins 15th:Deadline for Q4 2021 estimated tax payment February Click here for a […]Continue reading


As we get older and become frailer, we may find ourselves needing help with everyday activities that’s as simple as getting dressed, eating, or getting in and out of bed. Even if we’re healthy, accidents may necessitate assistance with such activities. This assistance is called long-term care (LTC) and can be provided at home, in […]Continue reading


Saving is something many people wish to do more of, but a study finds 58% of Americans have less than $1,000 tucked away in their savings.1 Because we live in a society of consumerism and consumption, we spend beyond our means and have little to no fallback funds to face hardships. While emergencies are inevitable, […]Continue reading


Life insurance may seem bewildering at first glance, but it can be very simple. This insurance serves the purpose of lessening the financial burden on the family when a loved one passes away. If you have anyone that relies on you financially, then a life insurance policy is worth considering. Here are some surprising truths:1 […]Continue reading


In the past few months, we’ve witnessed a number of natural disasters. With Hurricane Season looming over our coastal areas, being prepared can help you, your family or your business minimize the impact of not just hurricanes, but of any natural disasters. The truth of the matter is that floods, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes can […]Continue reading