Different Generations, Different Financial Viewpoints

Different Generations, Different Financial Viewpoints

Every generation views their situation differently, from fashion to food to finance, and currently, there are seven defined generations. Let’s see how their views differ on finances and if you line up with your generation.

1910-1927 The Greatest Generation: Frugal savers
This generation grew up learning to save pennies and fix things before buying something new. Financially, these frugal savers show us how to save, even when a new iPhone hits the market!

1928-1945 The Silent Generation: Cautious spenders
From a financial perspective, the Silent Generation is relatively cautious even though they lived through times of great prosperity. They saved as much as possible and emerged with substantial savings to fund their retirement years.

1946-1964 Baby Boomers: Credit happy
One of the first generations to embrace credit spending, Baby Boomers often took a “buy now, pay later” approach to financial decisions.

According to a National News interview2, Dr. Yess is a 61-year-old Boomer who aims to preserve his capital and pass assets safely to the next generation. He’s diversified into all asset classes and has no appetite for risk and speculation.

1965-1980 Gen X: The In-betweeners
Gen Xers grew up in two-income families and have struggled financially to reign in their spending habits, with many holding significant credit card debt and a penchant for riskier investments.

According to a National News interview2, Mr. Keerthy, age 48, invests for three reasons. 1) to primarily lead a comfortable life after retirement, 2) to fund his son’s college education expenses, and 3) he believes that keeping track of how the money market moves is a good exercise to keep his brain cells active.

1981-1996 Millennials: Financially conservative
Struggling to find work in their early 20s and living through turbulent economic times has made Millennials disciplined in saving money and financially conservative investors.

According to a National News interview2, Mr. Sanchz, age 39, aims to be financially independent well before retirement age. “Money isn’t my ultimate goal. I have a comfortable lifestyle now and enjoy spending money on travel, food, restaurants, and experiences. I want to reach financial independence sooner, so work need not be a must in my life, but rather an option.”

1997-2009 Gen Z: Pragmatic savers
Compared to their predecessors, Gen Zers are saving more and saving earlier. Highly entrepreneurial, 77% are pursuing freelance work, and 35% of Gen Z members already own or plan to own their own business.3

According to a National News interview2, Mr. Shaji is a 25-year-old Gen Zer aiming to be financially independent by age 40. Because of his 15-year savings outlook, Mr. Shaji maintains a conservative to medium-risk appetite, wanting to reinvest earned returns and dividends.

2010-2025 Generation Alpha: Technologically advanced
Immersed in technology rather than tech users, experts predict this generation will be the most educated and technologically savvy, with money attitudes profoundly shaped by recent economic challenges, financial basics, the difference between needs and wants, and the satisfaction that comes with saving.


No matter what generation you find yourself affiliated with, you undoubtedly want your financial strategy to align with your goals. If you have questions or want to discuss your situation, please call us today and let’s talk.


Adapted from The Arizona Federal 1
Adapted from The National News 2
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1 https://www.arizonafederal.org/blog/Coaching/The-Generation%20Gap-Why-Kids-See-Money-Differently
2 https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/money/how-different-generations-invest-their-money-1.1077581

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