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Now you have a mortgage… Have you protected your loved ones against this liability?
Congratulations! You have now taken part in a significant aspect of the American Dream – a step on your way to financial freedom. When you buy a home, it is important to protect you and your loved ones from the financial burdens associated with a mortgage. Your home may be your family’s largest asset and their largest financial responsibility. At Creative Financial Strategies (CFS), we believe that we should be both your and your loved ones’ advocate in asking these questions and guiding you towards the implementation of solutions that protect those that depend on you. We believe in not only helping you acquire your piece of the American Dream, but also in protecting it.
In what way can CFS help you protect those that depend on you?
- Strategy – We offer unique ideas for unique circumstances by utilizing a life insurance mortgage protection plan.
- Flexibility – Coupled with our strategy, we are able to wholly customize all aspects of the plan: amount, length of coverage, structure, and beneficiaries.
- Affordability – As an independent firm, CFS creates opportunity for you through a vast network of providers. In most cases, we can bring a viable solution that addresses your unique need through a cost-effective means.
- Choice – While you are living, you are in control of policy features and determining who receives the benefits. In the event of premature death, you will have controlled the outcome of this process, not the mortgage company, and those that depend on you will greatly benefit from your sound decision-making.
Our Life Insurance Mortgage Protection plans are about more than just your home; it is about protecting what matters most in your life.

Determining Eligibility & Expectations
Where do you go from here?
You can expect a call from CFS within one week after your closing date. We will help you navigate the following steps to implement your Life Insurance Mortgage Protection Plan.
STEP 1: Schedule a complimentary, 45-min. appointment
What should you bring?
STEP 2: Review your options
STEP 3: Determine eligibility
STEP 4: Apply & Submit Life Insurance Application
STEP 5: Review Underwriting Decision
STEP 6: Protect your loved ones

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