Estate Planning Questions To Consider

Estate Planning Questions To Consider

When your time comes, will you feel comfortable with who receives your estate and how the process is managed? Would it be prudent to place restrictions on how the gift is received? When planning an estate, inheritance is a privilege, not a right.


How will your estate best be distributed?

  • If you have children, should it all pass to them, and are they responsible enough to accept the inheritance?
  • If your estate includes family heirlooms, are you able to talk through who might appreciate receiving each item the most, regardless of their value?

Do you regularly give to charity?

  • Consider making an impact by leaving all or a portion of your estate documents or from your retirement accounts to a charity that’s close to your heart. In certain circumstances, you’ll want to talk to a tax advisor as it can provide substantial tax benefits.

Do you have minor beneficiaries?

  • Determine who will hold, manage and distribute these assets for the benefit of your children until they’re financially responsible enough to accept the gift.
  • Is a beneficiary receiving needs-based public benefits (SSI or Medicare/Medicaid) that they need to keep? Consider a Supplemental Needs Trust provision to ensure that the funds are used only to supplement the benefits being received, so the beneficiary isn’t disqualified.

Do you have a “spendthrift” beneficiary?

  • This is a child or intended beneficiary that’s proven irresponsible with money, and that may benefit from restrictions or conditions placed on the inheritance over time.

Does a beneficiary struggle with alcohol, drug, or gambling additions?

  • Consider placing conditions on a beneficiary’s receipt of the funds and allowing a third party to manage distributions if receipt of the funds would hurt the beneficiary.


Adapted from Anderson Estate Law1
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IMAGE – Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0

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