Legal Checklist for Caregivers

Legal Checklist for Caregivers

“If you’re a caregiver, part of your job may be to keep track of your loved one’s legal affairs. And you probably know—or are learning—that’s a big responsibility.” AARP provides more detailed content and checklists for this piece.


Do you have the proper documents?

  • Will
  • Health Care Power of Attorney
  • Medical Durable Power of Attorney

Have you made a family plan?

  • Caregiving roles and responsibilities
  • Phone call list for emergencies
  • End of life expectations and wishes

Have you uncovered tax breaks?

  • Tax deductions for health care costs
  • Out of pocket expenses not covered by health insurance
  • Home safety remodeling expenses

Are you in the know?

  • List of credit cards and bank accounts, with approval for you to access
  • List of passwords for computer and online sites
  • Property and vehicle ownership papers


Adapted from AARP1
Securities offered through SCF Securities, Inc Member FINRA/SIPC 155 E Shaw Ave. Suite 102, Fresno, CA 93710: (800)955-2517. SCF Securities, Inc and Creative Financial Strategies LLC are independently owned and operated. Note: Securities offered through SCF Securities Inc, Investment Advisory Services offered through SCF Investment Advisors, Inc.This document is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. One should consult a legal or tax professional regarding their own personal situation. Any comments regarding safe and secure investments and guaranteed income streams refer only to fixed insurance products offered by an insurance company. They do not refer in any way to securities or investment advisory products. Insurance policy applications are vetted through an underwriting process set forth by the issuing insurance company. Some applications may not be accepted based upon adverse underwriting results. Death benefit payouts are based upon the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. The firm providing this document is not affiliated with the Social Security Administration or any other government entity.
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