New Year Small Business Checklist

New Year Small Business Checklist

Every small business owner understands that small goals can add up to big results, so with the new year underway, it’s time to look at your goals and ensure they are aligned with your business plan for 2022.


Do A SWOT Review

A new year is a perfect time for a SWOT analysis—a review of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This allows you to determine where your business stands compared to the strategic plan in place the prior year. Use this to realign 2022 planning so your company can stay the course for continued growth and profit.


Budget for Leadership Development Training

Why is there a leadership gap in many organizations? Possibly because of the lack of training to develop future leaders. Take time to add development training throughout the year, investing in your potential talent pool. When you plan and invest in your talent, you increase employee retention and engagement.


Make the Most of a Calendar Flip to Drive Sales

The beginning of a new year can be the most energizing and competitive time to increase sales, so don’t miss out! Pump up advertising, work on client relations, and create reasons for prospects to choose you. Generate revenue and brand awareness both online and in person because the sales and relationships you create are necessary for a sustainable and thriving business.


Celebrate and Acknowledge

Too often we set goals, grind away, and then look for how to improve again. If we don’t take time to celebrate (even the small things), we become burnt out, frustrated, and ineffective. Do something special for your team to celebrate their strengths. Set aside time to recognize your team and plant the seeds of success for next year. A culture of gratitude is a culture of greatness!


Adapted from Forbes1


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