Personal Information Checklist – Part 2

Personal Information Checklist – Part 2

You have spent your whole life organizing your legal documents, so each piece is readily available for doctors’ visits, taxes or other financial opportunities. But does your family understand where to find these vital documents in a time of need?


Utilize this checklist to create an inventory of all of your personal, financial, and legal affairs to provide your family with sound solutions in case someone else has to take over the reins.


“The only thing you take with you when you’re gone is what you leave behind.”- John Allston



Bank & Credit Card Documents  – Communicate or write down the location of the items below:

  • Card Cards and Account Statements
  • Checking or Money Market Account Statement
  • Checks
  • Savings Account


Investment Documents   – Communicate or write down the location of the items below:

  • Company Retirement Plan Statements
  • Other Company Benefits (e.g. Deferred Compensation)
  • IRA Statements
  • Brokerage account Statements
  • Mutual Fund account statements
  • Annuity Account Statements
  • Stock Certificates (not held in an account)
  • Bearer Bonds (not held in an account)
  • Alternative Investment Documents (including K-1s)
  • Investment Club Documents/Records
  • 529-College Savings Plan Statements
  • Online Securities Access Information
  • Beneficiary Forms
  • Documents Showing Cost Basis of Securities Owned or Sold

Insurance  Documents   – Communicate or write down the location of the items below:

  • Life Insurance Policy Documents
  • Annuity Contract Documents
  • Mortgage Insurance Policy
  • Travel Insurance Policy
  • Property & Casualty Policy Documents
  • Veterans Administration Insurance Papers
  • Beneficiary forms for Insurance & Annuity Policies
  • Long-Term Care Insurance Policy Documents


Securities offered through SCF Securities,Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC 155 E. Shaw Ave. Suite 102, Fresno, CA 93710 • (800) 955-2517 •Fax (559) 456- 6109. SCF Securities, Inc. and Creative Financial Strategies LLC are independently owned and operated. Note: Securities offered through SCF Securities Inc., Investment Advisory Services offered through SCF Investment Advisors, Inc.

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