Situations When Life Insurance Makes Sense

Situations When Life Insurance Makes Sense

The last thing you’d want to think about is your own death. But the fact is–death is inevitable. While it’s a difficult topic to process, it’s a good thing to be prepared and plan ahead for when the time comes. Ask yourself these questions: How will my family pay for my funeral expenses? How will they get by without me? Who’s going to take care of all of the debt that I leave behind? Not sure of the answer? Well, one way is through life insurance. Consider these life situations:

  • You’re single – Life insurance isn’t just for those with a spouse and children. It can make sense for reasons such as: your debts have cosigners, someone else is depending on you for their financial future like aging parents or a family member with special needs, you own a business with partners, and more.
  • You’re married – We’ve all probably joked about being one another’s wallet when in reality, it’s true. Married couples are partners in life and partners when it comes to sharing and handling expenses. Think about the consequences your spouse may face if they’re losing an income.
  • You have children – Remember, life insurance isn’t for you–it’s to provide for your loved ones in the event of your death so that your spouse and children can maintain the lifestyle they’re accustomed to. It’s a surefire way to also help fund your children’s college or to leave an inheritance.


The people in your life rely on you for so many things and that doesn’t exclude financial security. No retirement plan is complete without life insurance. Get in touch with us at 505-883-2630. We want to hear your concerns and help you design a comprehensive strategy to ensure you and your loved ones are protected.





Securities offered through SCF Securities, Inc. • Member FINRA/SIPC • Investment advisory services offered through SCF Investment Advisors Inc.• 155 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 102, Fresno, CA 93710 • 800.955.2517 • 559.456.6109 FAX. SCF Securities, Inc. and Creative Financial Strategies, LLC. are independently owned and operated



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