Tag: beneficiary

Proper legacy planning could be one of the greatest gifts you give your loved ones. However, you may be delaying the process of creating an estate plan because you’re thinking, “Where do I start?” Below are key questions you should be asking about your estate plan. Have You Created Your Will? A will is often […]Continue reading


Happy New Year! It’s a new year, a new you, and a new time to do things differently—like your taxes. Tax-filing season is officially here, and there are many things you can do to be prepared and organized. Here are a few simple tips that can help you save time, stress, and money:   Double-check […]Continue reading


“I’m getting a divorce.” When one hears that statement, the first thought that frequently comes to mind is prepare for an emotional roller coaster and all the expenses that come with it. Every divorce is emotionally and financially challenging when considering all the time and effort poured into a marriage, from shared love and memories to invested […]Continue reading


Preparing your estate in advance is one of the greatest gifts you can give your family. Many estates include real estate in the form of a primary home, vacation home, and other family properties. While inheriting a property can be a wonderful legacy, it also comes with obligations that heirs may be unprepared or unable […]Continue reading


Beneficiary designations are a powerful tool for estate planning. Adding beneficiaries to your accounts gives you the opportunity to directly distribute assets after your death and helps your family avoid the expense and stress of probate. It’s extremely important to keep the names of the person or people you would like to benefit from your […]Continue reading