Tag: business

Small businesses need suitable types of insurance to protect assets against damage and legal claims. While most business owners hope they’ll never have to rely on insurance, the truth is, it’s an essential investment. It could make the difference between closing up shop and healthy business longevity.   Workers’ Compensation: This coverage is required in most […]Continue reading


Does your estate plan include transferring your wealth onto your family? Have you looked over potential tax implications? It’s important to understand that your beneficiaries may be in for sticker shock when they receive a tax bill along with your generous gift. If you’re looking for ways to keep your financial legacy away from Uncle […]Continue reading


This past year highlighted small businesses more than any other. The impact from a struggling economy has not gone unnoticed and the support from local shoppers has made the difference between open and closed for many small business owners. If you own a small business, one thing is certain, the responsibility of retirement planning is […]Continue reading


Life insurance isn’t just for those married with children, single adults without children can benefit from it, too. When you’re single, healthy, and childless, a life insurance policy is probably the last thing on your mind. You might think that buying coverage is just another unnecessary expense; however, there are plenty good reasons why it […]Continue reading