Tag: Business Owner

Every small business owner understands that small goals can add up to big results, so with the new year underway, it’s time to look at your goals and ensure they are aligned with your business plan for 2022.   Do A SWOT Review A new year is a perfect time for a SWOT analysis—a review […]Continue reading


There are many benefits of being self-employed, but sometimes it can feel as though there are just as many hindrances. Many owners consider staying abreast of tax laws and changes tedious and frustrating, so partnering with an expert is generally in your best interest. If you’re looking for some positives, consider these deductions to help […]Continue reading


Small businesses need suitable types of insurance to protect assets against damage and legal claims. While most business owners hope they’ll never have to rely on insurance, the truth is, it’s an essential investment. It could make the difference between closing up shop and healthy business longevity.   Workers’ Compensation: This coverage is required in most […]Continue reading


Many small-to-medium-sized business owners don’t recognize how beneficial a life insurance policy can be to the success of their business. Whole life insurance can help companies break free from traditional bank loans, benefit their employees, and gain tax advantages. In addition, whole life insurance for business owners has an advantage over many other types of insurance: […]Continue reading


For many, owning a business is the American dream come true, and making management decisions that grow your business brings about well-deserved feelings of accomplishment. Playing devil’s advocate here—did you decide to use any of your cash flow to fund your retirement investments?   According to CNBC, 78% of small-business owners plan to sell their […]Continue reading


The vast majority of businesses that go on the market for sale never complete a transaction. External factors, such as credit markets or the overall economy, can help determine whether a deal happens. Still, generally, the most important factors impacting a sale are directly under the owner’s control. Unprepared owners can make costly mistakes when […]Continue reading


This past year highlighted small businesses more than any other. The impact from a struggling economy has not gone unnoticed and the support from local shoppers has made the difference between open and closed for many small business owners. If you own a small business, one thing is certain, the responsibility of retirement planning is […]Continue reading