Tag: caregiving

For most families, navigating elder care decisions falls somewhere between adult siblings happily gathering together and planning for their parent’s future and siblings who barely speak making rash decisions in an effort to end a difficult conversation quickly. Caregiving has a way of sneaking into people’s lives. Typically, the adult child living nearest the aging […]Continue reading


Many Americans significantly underestimate the impact that a loved one’s long term care needs could have on their own lives, marriages, work, and not to mention their finances. As a matter of fact, 57% of caregivers surveyed tapped their retirement funds to care for a loved one, compared to 34% that expected to do so.1 […]Continue reading


If you’re like most people, you don’t like the thought that you might need long-term care (LTC) at some point in your life. Today, there’s a 70% chance that you’ll be needing some type of LTC service when you turn age 65.1 However, LTC is not just about you, it’s also about your family. Long-term […]Continue reading


When it comes to retirement, both men and women face many risks. However, women are faced with greater financial obstacles:   Living longer. It’s a known fact that women enjoy a longer lifespan than their male counterparts. As a matter of fact, they’re outliving men by an average of four years.1 This longevity risk requires […]Continue reading