Tag: college

This month, the education community celebrates Financial Aid Awareness Month often by sharing information with students and families about access to federal, state, and institutional student aid. College and higher education costs can sometimes be steep costs to families. However, a college degree can be important in providing opportunities in young people’s careers, so it […]Continue reading


6 Important Financial Strategies For Your 20’s and 30’s Personal Finance & Investing For Generations X and Y   Introduction 20 and 30-somethings have very different personal finance and investing priorities than their parents. Instead of worrying about Social Security benefits and catch-up IRA contributions, you might be worrying about digging yourself out of student […]Continue reading


Is College Worth It? Understanding the Costs & Benefits of College   Introduction The decision about whether or not to attend college is a serious one with lifelong implications. Changes in the U.S. economy, a decade of lost growth, and a revolution in technology are challenging attitudes about a traditional college education. While college used […]Continue reading


  In a digitally connected world, the Internet and social platforms enable young adults access to boundless heaps of knowledge. This can allow them to feel connected and confident when it comes to many things, including their finances. But the reality is that there is an alarming gap between financial confidence and knowledge. An industry […]Continue reading