Tag: financial freedom

Life insurance proceeds can allow the bereaved to properly grieve without worrying about money. It gives families the financial protection that’s needed for potential funeral costs, living expenses, or even their financial future. If you’re on the receiving end of the policy, the large sum of money can present many challenges, but also a multitude […]Continue reading


Life insurance isn’t just for those married with children, single adults without children can benefit from it, too. When you’re single, healthy, and childless, a life insurance policy is probably the last thing on your mind. You might think that buying coverage is just another unnecessary expense; however, there are plenty good reasons why it […]Continue reading


Happy New Year! It’s a new year, a new you, and a new time to do things differently—like your taxes. Tax-filing season is officially here and there are many things you can do to be prepared and organized. Here are a few simple tips that can help you save time, stress, and money:   Print […]Continue reading


The New Year marks the opportunity for a new beginning. It’s a time to reflect, refresh, and recommit. A great way to start may be with solid financial resolutions that can help you reach your goals. You can start by making a list, but the key is creating actionable steps and sticking to them. Below […]Continue reading


As we set our eyes on the new year, it’s an ideal time to sit down and review your financial strategy. Take a few moments to review some of these deadlines and take advantage of the opportunity to grow your wealth and better position yourself:   Revisit your 401(k) contributions. You have until December 31 […]Continue reading


Many of us get so caught up in the holiday madness that we toss our budget aside and fall into what seems to be a never-ending spending cycle. Last year’s report shows about 51% of Americans overspent their budget on holiday gifts and 28% are still paying off holiday debt from the previous year.1 You […]Continue reading


Oftentimes we tend to be unrealistic when it comes to planning how much we can achieve and how long it will take, especially when it comes to setting money goals. A general rule to reaching your financial goals is to establish a plan that prioritizes your goals by timeframes: short-term, mid-term, and long-term. Classifying your […]Continue reading