Tag: Goals

Out with the old and in with the new as we march headstrong into 2022. There’s a good chance that you’ve recently spent time organizing your home or office to improve clarity and efficiency—the same should be true of your finances! Try some of these tips as you get ready for whatever the new year […]Continue reading


“I’m getting a divorce.” When one hears that statement, the first thought that frequently comes to mind is prepare for an emotional roller coaster and all the expenses that come with it. Every divorce is emotionally and financially challenging when considering all the time and effort poured into a marriage, from shared love and memories to invested […]Continue reading


With warmer temperatures, longer days, and spending more time at home, summer may be the prime time for home renovations. Whether it’s repainting your home, building a backyard deck, or remodeling the kitchen, modifications can not only enhance your home, but also boost its overall worth. However, because your home is a significant financial investment, […]Continue reading


Did you know that Medicare typically doesn’t cover nursing homes or any in-home care? According to statistics, someone turning 65 today has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care assistance.1 This includes self-reliant activities such as bathing, eating, getting dressed, using the bathroom, and even getting out of bed. Costs for […]Continue reading


These days women not only have to worry about balancing their duties as a family manager, but must focus on their own identity as financial contributors as well. Despite being great savers and increasingly influential in the workforce, women are left with more duties and less time to curate a solid understanding in investment strategy. Here […]Continue reading


Oftentimes we tend to be unrealistic when it comes to planning how much we can achieve and how long it will take, especially when it comes to setting money goals. A general rule to reaching your financial goals is to establish a plan that prioritizes your goals by timeframes: short-term, mid-term, and long-term. Classifying your […]Continue reading


We all have financial responsibilities that can become a balancing act. Some that are significant to us while others aren’t. With competing financial obligations, there never seems to be enough money to go around and retirement becomes the least of our worries. A recent survey reveals 64% of Americans aren’t prepared for retirement and 48% […]Continue reading


Today, Americans 65 and older are more likely to be working than in 1985. More than 20% are working part- or full-time, and the numbers are projected to continue climbing, according to a recent study.1 Reasons for working longer? There may be a whole spectrum of reasons, but most of it comes down to rising […]Continue reading


6 Important Financial Strategies For Your 20’s and 30’s Personal Finance & Investing For Generations X and Y   Introduction 20 and 30-somethings have very different personal finance and investing priorities than their parents. Instead of worrying about Social Security benefits and catch-up IRA contributions, you might be worrying about digging yourself out of student […]Continue reading