Tag: health-care proxy

This simple checklist is designed to help you assess whether the necessary preparations have been made to care for your family and estate in the unfortunate event of your passing. Although this is not a comprehensive guide, it does provide a starting point for you to determine how well prepared you actually are. If you […]Continue reading


For most families, navigating elder care decisions falls somewhere between adult siblings happily gathering together and planning for their parent’s future and siblings who barely speak making rash decisions in an effort to end a difficult conversation quickly. Caregiving has a way of sneaking into people’s lives. Typically, the adult child living nearest the aging […]Continue reading


With COVID-19 at the forefront of everyone’s mind, many who have been holding off on estate planning are now prompted to quickly finalize estate plans so they will have something in place should illness or worse come calling. Without an estate plan in place, you will have to rely on state laws and probate courts […]Continue reading