Tag: living expenses

Annuities can be mysterious. You might even feel like they come with a hidden agenda. However, with proper planning annuities can be an appropriate solution for your portfolio and financial planning.  They can offer financial advantages such as guaranteed income or living benefits. Consider these eight reasons annuities annuity strategies relative to your situation and […]Continue reading


Life insurance proceeds can allow the bereaved to properly grieve without worrying about money. It gives families the financial protection that’s needed for potential funeral costs, living expenses, or even their financial future. If you’re on the receiving end of the policy, the large sum of money can present many challenges, but also a multitude […]Continue reading


When planning for retirement, annuities can be critical to your strategy. They can provide a guaranteed stream of monthly payments that’ll last the rest of your life. Even though annuities may come in all shapes and sizes, here are some potential benefits they can offer:   A lifetime payout that you can’t outlive, regardless of […]Continue reading