Tag: probate

An estate plan is your opportunity to indicate how you want your property, belongings, and financial assets distributed after you die. Without a written plan, you leave these personal choices up to state law and probate courts.   An estate plan is more than just a will Designates durable powers of attorney to watch over […]Continue reading


This simple checklist is designed to help you assess whether the necessary preparations have been made to care for your family and estate in the unfortunate event of your passing. Although this is not a comprehensive guide, it does provide a starting point for you to determine how well prepared you actually are. If you […]Continue reading


Beneficiary designations are a powerful tool for estate planning. Adding beneficiaries to your accounts gives you the opportunity to directly distribute assets after your death and helps your family avoid the expense and stress of probate. It’s extremely important to keep the names of the person or people you would like to benefit from your […]Continue reading


When planning for retirement, annuities can be critical to your strategy. They can provide a guaranteed stream of monthly payments that’ll last the rest of your life. Even though annuities may come in all shapes and sizes, here are some potential benefits they can offer:   A lifetime payout that you can’t outlive, regardless of […]Continue reading