Tag: retirement

The thought of retirement can feel like a dream. Financial stability and the ability to do what you want and not what you have to with your days is a life goal for many people. But how do you reach that retirement life? Ask these 10 questions to prepare yourself for a successful retirement. Figure […]Continue reading


You may not know it, but Social Security income is taxed! However, your tax burden isn’t simply a gross income tax, and there are unique factors that dictate your tax rate and overall tax liability. First, not all Social Security income is taxed. Only a portion of your benefits may be subject to tax, depending […]Continue reading


Taxes may be one of your biggest concerns when it comes to retirement. Whether you’re well into your retirement or just starting to think about it, taxes can be one of the main factors in maximizing your savings to stretch all the way through retirement. The Roth IRA can be a great investment vehicle for […]Continue reading


Even though you’re still working every day, carrying your full load of responsibilities, it’s crucial to cross your Ts and dot your Is for your new life ahead in retirement. These six tips are crucial to cross off your to-do list before you enter retirement. Address Your Budget for Retirement Put together a monthly budget […]Continue reading


Most of the nation’s teachers and K-12 educational employees are members of their state’s public pension plans. After years of service, these plans have promised a secure retirement for educators and support staff. Unfortunately, a significant number of public pension plans serving these employees were severely underfunded before the Great Recession. The situation was compounded […]Continue reading


Healthcare is one of the largest expenses for people in retirement, but it’s not easy to budget for them. Sometimes, accidents happen, or certain health-related concerns can come out of nowhere. Because of how difficult it can be to predict; it can be just as difficult to plan for it. But luckily, there are tools […]Continue reading


You’re probably familiar with the classic retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and pensions. But did you know there is a financial product out there that is customizable and can be tailored to your specific risks and financial goals? An annuity is an insurance-based financial product that takes in payments from individuals and pays them […]Continue reading


The plans you considered so important at the end of 2021 may not hold that same importance now that we’re in the middle of 2022. It’s time to see if your financial goals are still relevant and if yes, are you meeting them? It might also be time to consider a budgeting app or online […]Continue reading