Tag: Solo 401(k)

There are many benefits of being self-employed, but sometimes it can feel as though there are just as many hindrances. Many owners consider staying abreast of tax laws and changes tedious and frustrating, so partnering with an expert is generally in your best interest. If you’re looking for some positives, consider these deductions to help […]Continue reading


For many, owning a business is the American dream come true, and making management decisions that grow your business brings about well-deserved feelings of accomplishment. Playing devil’s advocate here—did you decide to use any of your cash flow to fund your retirement investments?   According to CNBC, 78% of small-business owners plan to sell their […]Continue reading


This past year highlighted small businesses more than any other. The impact from a struggling economy has not gone unnoticed and the support from local shoppers has made the difference between open and closed for many small business owners. If you own a small business, one thing is certain, the responsibility of retirement planning is […]Continue reading